
April 23, 2015 (3 Comments) by lukedancy

Show Notes On this very special episode I focus on the topic of  being more creative. Whether you’re looking for an edge on the professional side of things, or to build up your own personal brand, I share the secrets that I’ve used over the last 20 years to make my living being creative with people […]

April 22, 2015 (No Comments) by lukedancy

It’s so easy to constantly pick up your cellphone to see what you’ve missed. As a matter of fact how long does it take you to grab your phone when you hear the alert that you have a new text message or email? Most of us are so quick to see what we’re missing out […]

April 20, 2015 (No Comments) by lukedancy

Show Notes This week’s episode was recorded in front of a live Periscope audience! I’m having a blast connecting in real time with people and I plan on doing this again for next week’s episode. Eventually I’ll figure out the best time to do this and start scheduling these episodes. Also, don’t forget to check […]

April 15, 2015 (No Comments) by lukedancy

The quote above says a lot in just a few words, think about it for a sec. One of the things I bring up a lot is that by changing your perspective you can change the way you live your life. It’s true that sometimes you’re going to hit home-runs while other times you will […]

April 13, 2015 (No Comments) by lukedancy

Show Notes It’s been a fun week! I was literally cooking up some new stuff in the kitchen over the weekend. I’m proud to say that the homemade pizza and apple pie was a success! Now it’s time to figure out what I’m going to conquer next week! On this episode I mentioned some really […]

April 7, 2015 (No Comments) by lukedancy

First of all I can’t believe I’m sharing some good news about a brand that I’m not particularly fond of. I respect what Starbucks does but have never wrapped my head around why people think carrying around overpriced coffee is a status symbol. Anyway, I’ll put my personal opinions aside for a moment to share […]

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