Monthly Archives: May 2016

You Have To Start To Be Great

By lukedancy | May 7, 2016 | (One) | 5569
Think about the quote above for a second. The message is simple and clear but for some reason most people never take their first step. A great example of this is that while I’m writing this post I’m dead tired. It’s late, I’m exhausted but I refuse to quit. You can do big things but […]

Episode 26 – Clearing Your Mind

By lukedancy | May 5, 2016 | (2 Comments) | 2918
This week’s episode was directly influenced from some of the things I’ve been doing and trying lately so it only felt right to share them here. The quote I mentioned in this week’s episode can be found below in it’s entirety along with the video of Bruce Lee. I’ve used this video as a reference […]

Be Water My Friend

By lukedancy | May 4, 2016 | (No) | 5071
Bruce Lee continues to be a legend not just in the martial arts community but also in the life lessons he left behind. As someone that studies the Tao I’ve developed a new way of looking at the world and the video below is something that really resonates with me. Water is an element that […]

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Monthly Archives: May 2016

You Have To Start To Be Great

By lukedancy | May 7, 2016 | (One) | 5569
Think about the quote above for a second. The message is simple and clear but for some reason most people never take their first step. A great example of this is that while I’m writing this post I’m dead tired. It’s late, I’m exhausted but I refuse to quit. You can do big things but […]

Episode 26 – Clearing Your Mind

By lukedancy | May 5, 2016 | (2 Comments) | 2918
This week’s episode was directly influenced from some of the things I’ve been doing and trying lately so it only felt right to share them here. The quote I mentioned in this week’s episode can be found below in it’s entirety along with the video of Bruce Lee. I’ve used this video as a reference […]

Be Water My Friend

By lukedancy | May 4, 2016 | (No) | 5071
Bruce Lee continues to be a legend not just in the martial arts community but also in the life lessons he left behind. As someone that studies the Tao I’ve developed a new way of looking at the world and the video below is something that really resonates with me. Water is an element that […]

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