This quote speaks to me on so many levels! First and foremost it’s an in your face reminder that you can do what you want with your life and be happy doing it. I love the fact that the word ‘build’ is in there though because most people think of what the perfect life for […]
The first thing I do in the morning is to write down all of the new things that may have inspired me either in a dream or in my funky sleepy daze. Allow yourself to imagine and constantly get in the habit of asking yourself…what if?? Of course once you’ve found something to ‘dream up’ […]
Well hello there and welcome to a brand new week! The last week or so was pretty amazing. I was visiting San Francisco on business and it was a productive week filled with meetings, dinners and even a fishing trip! For the record I caught a shark…a baby shark. If you’ve never been to San […]
It’s pretty obvious that not every day is going to be a good day. There’s something to be learned from every single day but it’s up to you to find out what the lesson is. If things were always fun and easy then the success that comes your way wouldn’t feel like success at […]
It’s time for a new week so here we go! I’m off to San Francisco on Tuesday for a week long meeting with the team. This is the yearly Summit meeting and gives use a chance to plan out the next year. As the Marketing Manager it will be nice to meet the rest […]
It’s easy to quit but you know what…you’re not a quitter! Every single day I lay my head down when I’m flat out exhausted and can’t go any further. Honestly I’ve never been more exhausted BUT I’ve also never been happier. Every single day you’re getting closer and closer to bringing your dreams to […]